The love of Raphael's life
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It was the love of Raphael's life. Perhaps that's why he never married the Pope's niece until his death.

At least, is what the shadows of the painting and the available literature prove. She's a baker's daughter.

Preti shared an earlier article about Raphael Raphael's art world.

This time we want to talk about his love story.

It seems that many of Raphael's Madonna paintings are refer by the same model, a woman named Margherita.

Happiness permeates Raphael's world. He is widely known in the art world.

In the world of love, he was also an ordinary man who wanted to pursue his true love.

In fact, he had already put on the wedding ring for his beloved Margherita.

In the National Gallery in Rome, a painting called La Fornarina.

It's also a portrait by Margherita, Raphael inscribed her name in Latin on a ribbon band on her left arm, a sign of ownership.

The middle finger of the woman's left hand, the artist also painted a ruby ring for her. This was the custom of marriage at that time.

So, Raphael and Margherita are already married in the painting.

Preti Jewelry also recommends rubies for the couple's wedding rings. This is also an old and beautiful tradition that has always prevailed in Europe.

But we couldn't see the ruby ring in the painting today.

The ruby ring that Raphael had put on Margarite's wedding ring was revealed by X-ray. Exactly who covered up the ring on Raphael's portrait after his death can only be guessed.

{Ille hic est Raffael, timuit quo sospite vinci, rerum magna parens et moriente mori}

{In his lifetime, nature felt the fear of defeat; And when he passes away, nature fears his death.}

———————Raphael's epitaph.

Yes, when he gone, everything seems to go with him; Margaret ended all this earthly life with his departure and spent the rest of her life without Raphael in the convent.



Preti's original article

image source: Internet Pictures
